History of Alpha Omega Chapter, September 1937-May 1938
This report summarizes the history of Alpha Omega Chapter for the academic year 1937-1938, including a list of members and officers. It highlights the chapter achievements, both collectively and by individual members. It also recounts chapter events and activities.
- Collection
Archives Collection
- Date/Date Range
Sep 1937 - May 1938
- Subjects
BanquetsChapter ActivitiesChapter EventsChapter EventsChapter HistoriansChapter HistoriesChapter House FurnishingsChapter HousesChapter InitiationsChapter Officer ElectionsChapter OfficersChapter Social EventsChristmasDancesHolidaysHomecomingHousemothersInitiatesPanhellenic DelegatesPartiesPledgesRecruitment
- People Mentioned/Pictured
Benkelman, Charles WilmottBerger, John RobertBright, William AlbrightGrimes, Andrew PiersonHeskett, Frederick AllenItz, M. FelixMcDonald, Dr. Ian CurrieMowder, Wilbur H.Nelson, R. W.Norlin, Albert VictorReames, Donald G.Williams, Thaine D.Witt, Kenneth Carman
- Location
Manhattan, Kansas
- Type
- Language
- Chapter
Alpha Omega
- University
Kansas State University
- Era
1930s20th Century
- Event
1937 Alpha Omega Chapter Christmas Banquet1937 Alpha Omega Chapter Homecoming Dance1938 Alpha Omega Chapter Founders' Day Banquet