Pi Kappa Alpha's 80 Chapters On Parade: Southern Methodist University
- Collection
The Shield and Diamond
- Date
Jul 1941
- Chapter
Alpha OmicronBeta Zeta
- University
Southern Methodist UniversitySouthwestern University
- Era
1940s20th Century
- People Mentioned/Pictured
Bianchi, EddieCecil, Gowan LanierCollins, BobDavis, SammyDevore, Harry S.Dixon, DickEngland, KennedyEvetts, James K.Foster, William F.Green, EdHagerman, CliffHowell, Weldon U.Koonce, GeorgeLee, Donald EdwinMcClain, ClintonMcFarland, Nelson KimbellPace, JohnParks Jr., Andrew J.Randall, John WalesSales, WillardSohle Jr., Frederick V.Stephens, I. K.Thomas Jr., Henry Bascomb