Chapter Eternal, June 1951
- Collection
The Shield and Diamond
- Date
Jun 1951
- Chapter
Beta IotaDelta AlphaDelta OmicronGamma AlphaNuPhiZeta
- University
Beloit CollegeDrake UniversityGeorge Washington UniversityRoanoke CollegeUniversity of AlabamaUniversity of TennesseeWofford College
- Era
1950s20th Century
- People Mentioned/Pictured
Cobble, Joseph M.Edwards, CarolynEdwards, Henry A.Edwards, Lucinda MaceEdwards, Luther H.Harris, Richard G.Kelly, Marvin K.Knechtel, LT Albert JohnLutz, Wilbert T.McMillian, Lee StanfordMorgan, William R.Mullins, Mrs. Florence