Mother's Day Florida Highlight
- Collection
The Shield and Diamond
- Date
Sep 1954
- Author
Layton, John Lloyd
- Chapter
Alpha Eta
- University
University of Florida
- Location
Lake City, Florida
- Era
1950s20th Century
- People Mentioned/Pictured
Albright, George W.Andrews, JoanneBayless, George DonohoBoltin, Mrs. W. G.Dell, Mrs. George A.Dennis, NancyDye, DianeJohnson, Mrs. H. H.Layton, Mrs. A. LloydMarr, William P.McCraw, Mrs. J. C.Newman, LucyNoffsinger, J. R.Sullivan, DorothyTaylor, SallyWatts, JohnessWieffenbach, Mrs. E. E.