News From The Chapters: District No.16, December 1931
- Collection
The Shield and Diamond
- Date
Dec 1931
- Author
Fox, Henry WaltherHarrison, Conrad B.Merrill, Eugene H.
- Chapter
Alpha TauGamma EpsilonGamma KappaLambda
- University
Military College of South CarolinaMontana State UniversityUniversity of UtahUtah State University
- Era
1930s20th Century
- People Mentioned/Pictured
Alder, HoraceBarnes, ScottBielenberg, NickBowden, RaymondBriggs, LewisBuckingham, ThomasCahoon, Richard C.Cahoon, Richard C.Caldwell, Robert C.Cannon, Winfield Q.Christopherson, Roland G.Clegg, HowardCowan, LeeCunningham, LorinDickinson, DeanDrysdale, ElwoodDuppler, MiltonEaton, DoralEricksen, StanFetzer, JohnFisher, Raymond G.Gleave, Rex O.Goates, Alden C.Grace, Paul E.Grant, EugeneGrant, SmithGray, RussellGriffan, FarrelGuttke, RalphHamilton, DonaldHarrity, Harry J.Hart, AlvinHodge, FrankHoffman, George J.Johnson, JackKennedy, HermanKostka, WilliamLane, Harley R.Lane, RusselLarson, LeonardLatham, GeorgeLinford, Henry B.Lusty, Grey M.Marks, John Y.McKnight, JamesMerrill, RobertMills, Frederick D.Morgan, JackMoss, TedNelson, HermanNoe, GeorgeO'Brian, RobertParkinson, JayParmelee, Theron S.Pass, FieldPittard, DonaldPlant, RossPrice, LuwellynPusey, GarlandRich, Joseph C.Roberts, LewisRognas, RichardRose, PaulRoys, VictorShea, Ambrose J.Sheffield, Elbert J.Sheffield, Elbert J.Sheffield, Elbert J.Simmons, Lawrence J.Simmonson, RodneySmart, WilliamSmith, E.Smythe, Robert AdgerSonne, BobSpackman, LavellStoken, RudolphThompson, Odell S.Walling, Leslie H.Weed, LeonardWest, Allan M.Westfall, KeenWillits, HaroldWoodard, HarryWoods, Lowell G.Woodward, HarryWorthington, GlenYounkin, Jack