Permanently Pinned, March 1963
- Collection
The Shield and Diamond
- Date
Mar 1963
- Chapter
Alpha ChiAlpha KappaAlpha ZetaBeta BetaDeltaDelta DeltaDelta IotaDelta ZetaEpsilon BetaEpsilon DeltaEpsilon GammaGamma ChiGamma NuGamma OmegaGamma PsiIota
- University
Birmingham-Southern CollegeHampden-Sydney CollegeLouisiana Tech UniversityMarshall UniversityMissouri University of Science and TechnologyNorth Texas UniversityOklahoma State UniversitySyracuse UniversityTexas Tech UniversityUniversity of ArkansasUniversity of IowaUniversity of MemphisUniversity of MiamiUniversity of WashingtonValparaiso University
- Era
1960s20th Century
- People Mentioned/Pictured
Akes, ShaneBeales, Larry JamesBuck, Robert LeeCline, Vinton JamesCouvillion, James LawrenceFisher, Gordon CarrollGulledge, William GeraldHamlin, William RobertHill, Ronald HughHunt, William MackKager, Gary R.Keudell, KenKlopp, JohnKoons, FrankLittle Jr., Maurice EugeneLuton, Joe BaxterMason, Robert ArnoldMcDuff, James MelvinMeans, JimMiller, Norman EdwardMonday, Robert WayneNerzerka, LumirNewman, Michael SamuelRoper, Daniel DwightSedlack, RobertSevere, Leroy DeanSieckhaus, Robert HenrySoard, Don ArthurStanley, William WalkerThomson, BobVan Bevers, GretchenWaldo III, Andrew WarnerWyatt, James KelleyZaffater Jr., Joseph Wallace